Choose to include Loyalty, Retention or Exclusive Products
As a Lender using SourceInsights, when running any SourceInsights report, I want to be able to choose whether or not the report contains Loyalty, Retention or Exclusive Products.
Add TermUnit to Searches table in Reporting DB & add to data extract
As a user of the Source Insight data extract, I need the ability to determine the unit (months/years) that the term relates to in the data extract, so that I can understand what the term relates to.
Add the fee flags in the True Cost calculations to the Twenty7Tec Reporting database. Note that ...
As a user of SourceInsights, on the Details Requests , Products , Ranking and Documents Reports, I want the Filters accordion to contain the same filters as the Search Report, so that when I&nbs...
As a Lender using SourceInsight, I want the ability to report on the types of Buy To Let products that brokers have selected when sourcing, so that I can get a better understanding of the volumes of HMO's, Corporate Let...